Tooth Sensitivity Can Mean Trouble

Like a an old injury that throbs when a storm is coming, a sensitive tooth can mean potential problems better dealt with earlier than later.

A sensitive tooth is Mother Nature’s “early warning system” that tells a person in advance that trouble is on the way. Too often, Dentist in Newberg, Oregon Dr. Jennifer McLeod sees a patient with a raging toothache that has progressed to the point that there are no easy, inexpensive solutions.

Tooth Anatomy and Sensitivity

At Newberg Family Dental, we care about the health and structure of your teeth, not just your surface smile. Our teeth, when viewed through a microscope, have small nerve endings that radiate out from the central nerves inside the tooth to the enamel layer on the outside of the tooth. If a cavity invades the tooth, these nerve endings are stimulated and send a message to our brain…ouch! The tooth becomes sensitive to sweets, hot or cold.

This sensitivity only lasts a few seconds then goes away. This is the ideal time to solve the problem since the tooth probably only needs a simple filling. If it is not dealt with early, the cavity progresses until it infects the central living tissue of the tooth (pulp) and the sensitivity becomes a spontaneous, long duration toothache that requires more involved treatment.

Treating Sensitive Teeth

Tooth sensitivity can be caused by a variety of factors, including brushing too hard, gum recession, the development of gum disease, teeth grinding, plaque build-up, and the consumption of acidic foods.

Pain is a clear signal that something needs attention, which is also true for tooth sensitivity. If you have sensitive teeth, make an appointment at Newberg Family Dental for treatment to prevent further problems. Dr. Jennifer McLeod provides comprehensive dental care for sensitive teeth, and will present options for restoring the structure of the teeth that are causing you pain.

If left untreated, a simple sensitive tooth can lead to more serious problems, like developing cavities and decay that eventually can lead to tooth loss – listen to your early warning system and solve the dental sensitivity early.

Preventing Tooth Sensitivity

One of the ways to solve tooth sensitivity is to practice prevention.  Maintain good oral hygiene through strong daily dental habits. Brush your teeth twice a day, and floss once a day to keep plaque from making a permanent home on your teeth.

In addition, how you brush can be as important as how frequently you clean your teeth. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and desensitizing toothpaste on a regular basis. You may need to experiment with a few different kinds of toothbrushes and toothpastes until you find those that are right for you.

For overall health, it’s important to practice healthy eating habits in order to reduce tooth sensitivity. Stick to lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables, and low-fat dairy options to keep you smile healthy and strong.

If you suffer from tooth sensitivity, call Newberg Family Dental at 503.538.7717 or contact us through this form for your personal appointment.