Top 4 Foods That Damage Kids' Teeth

 Children are as susceptible to marketing messages and the desire for convenience as adults are, especially when it comes to food. Dr. Jennifer McLeod and the staff at Newberg Family Dental, a dental practice in Newberg OR, challenge patients of all ages to avoid the following foods to help keep their kids’ teeth healthy! Toaster…

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Teeth Can Help Solve Health Mysteries

If eyes are the windows to the soul, then teeth can be the windows to the state of your overall health. Dr. Jennifer McLeod, dentist in Newberg, encourages her patients to tune in to anything unusual they notice about their teeth and gums, and to make an appointment to discuss any health concerns. Less common…

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Three of the Worst Habits That Harm Your Teeth

teeth whitening in newberg

Habits that harm our teeth might seem pretty obvious, like eating foods that are high in sugar or not brushing and flossing our teeth regularly. But Newberg dentist Dr. Jennifer McLeod and her team at Newberg Family Dental point out that there are other, less obvious habits that can stress our dental health. Dieting and…

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Fun and Unique Dental Facts

Contemplating a visit to the dentist may not be your first choice, but caring for your teeth is essential to good overall dental health. Plus, general dentist in Newberg OR Dr. Jennifer McLeod and her team at Newberg Family Dental believe that a visit to their office doesn’t have to be drudgery! These fun and…

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Did Your Child Knock a Tooth Out? Here's What To Do!

As kids tend to live life at full speed, accidents are bound to happen, especially when it comes to physical injuries. Dentist in Newberg OR Dr. Jennifer McLeod and her team at Newberg Family Dental get phone calls from frantic parents throughout the year about accidents involving baby or permanent teeth getting knocked out. At…

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