Halloween Candy and Healthy Teeth
It’s that time of year again, when Trick-or-Treaters on Halloween night help kick off what Dr. McLeod and her staff at Newberg Family Dental call “The Season of Candy.” This season runs from Halloween night through approximately January 1st, when the holidays – and associated candy – takes over and threatens our healthy smiles.
To keep the sugary treats from attacking your teeth, keep these tips in mind starting on Halloween night!
Prepare for the Piles of Halloween Candy
There are many ways to prepare your children for the buckets of candy they’ll be bringing home, and the following temptation to eat it all either in one sitting or over time. First, get rid of other processed treats, snacks or beverages hanging around the house to help manage the overall intake of sugar. Replace them with water, milk, low-fat dairy, vegetables, and additional whole-food and high-protein options for your family members to choose from. This will help provide balance in the midst of candy overload.
Sort the Halloween Candy
Once your Halloween ghouls return from trick-or-treating, it’s time to check and sort the candy for safety. However, use this time to separate out any candy that is sour or overly sticky and chewy, such as gummy bears, licorice, caramels and hard candy that sticks around in your child’s mouth. Studies have shown that cavities are more likely to develop when sugar is present in the mouth over long periods of time. Getting rid of this sticky, chewy candy can help protect your child’s (and your) teeth.
Provide Nutritious Meals on Halloween Night
Life can get pretty hectic, especially when you factor in excited kids who, dressed up in costumes, get to collect large amounts of candy on Halloween night. As on other nights, provide wholesome meals and snacks to help keep kids from overeating and becoming ill from all of the sugar. A dinner high in protein will also allow your children to keep an even blood sugar level in all the excitement.
Practice Good Hygiene on Halloween
Dentist in Newberg, Oregon Dr. Jennifer McLeod doesn’t necessarily recommend handing out toothbrushes instead of candy on Halloween night. Just remember to end the excitement with a thorough brushing and flossing to help protect your children’s teeth from developing cavities. Talk to your kids about tooth decay, and that this extra care during the holidays can keep them in the Kids No Cavity Club at Newberg Family Dental!
Show Off Your Costume at Newberg Family Dental!
On a related note, we would love to see the creative Halloween costumes worn by our patients of all ages! Drop in and show off your costume, or post a photo of you in your costume on the Newberg Family Dental Facebook page to be entered to win! The winner will receive a digital camera.